صابون جوز الهند من مجموعة Be Loved للجسم والشعر من Eco Way هو صالون تجميل كامل في يديك سيريحك من جفاف الجلد والشعر ، ويمنحك شعوراً بالنظافة ويساعد على منع فقدان الرطوبة.
Be Loved soap, prepared without cooking, preserves all the useful antioxidants, vitamins and fatty acids of coconut oil in its original form, you get a product of minimal processing with all the useful properties preserved, it’s like you use natural coconut oil while gently cleansing your skin and hair.
Separately, we need to tell you about the use of Be Loved soap for washing hair – forget about the use of sulfate shampoos that require the use of balms and masks, Eco Way company gives you everything you need in one soap!
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